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    Mission Statement

    “Loyola Preparatory School will strive to instil recognition of the talents and achievements of all its members.  It will seek to identify and develop a range of skills, techniques and abilities within its pupils which will serve the individual in future life, but will also be put to use as an expression of the Greater Glory of God, both in the personal development of the self and in service to others and the community.”

    Our Mission & Values at Loyola Preparatory SchoolVicar from Loyola parish

    Loyola is first and foremost a Catholic school, and it is in this Catholicity that the school finds its identity as a happy, high-achieving, family school where each child grows in the love of Christ.

    ‘God freely created us so that we might know, love and serve him in this life and be happy with him forever’

    St Ignatius of Loyola

    The core values of our school focus on high expectations for all learners, developing skills for life, encouraging good self-esteem and developing a set of core moral values based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    These values are core to every part of our lives. They are reflected in the way we treat each other, the way we look for every day opportunities to help those in need and in the example that we demonstrate to all those we meet.

    Academic, Personal, and Community Growth

    Loyola aims to provide a stimulating and exciting environment. We believe that all children thrive in an environment in which they are happy, challenged and secure: secure in the knowledge that they are safe and cared for; challenged to achieve their best; and happy in the knowledge they are each appreciated for their individuality and their achievements.

    Children and their families in this school are well known to our community. Within our community, we welcome the parents and wider family of our pupils, acknowledging the vital role they play in the education of their children. An active partnership and effective collaboration between home and school ensures our children are provided with a start to their life that they deserve as unique individuals.

     ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ 

    John 10:10

    Inspiring Excellence in Every Boy

    We aim to:

    • Nurture our children to be active and productive members of the Catholic community and wider world
    • Equip our children to be independent, resilient and lifelong learners
    • Set ambitious and challenging targets for our children to reach the best possible academic outcomes
    • Engage and inspire our children to be spirited, expressive, inquisitive learners
    • Prepare our children for life with the knowledge and confidence they need to be successful.
    • Build positive relationships, encouraging in our pupils a sense of self-respect, respect for others and for all life which is reflected in their conduct.
    • To uphold our school motto “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam” that everything we do will be for the greater glory of God

    ‘Go forth and set the world on fire’ (St Ignatius of Loyola)

    Book a personal tour 

    To book a personal tour with our Headmistress, Mrs Anthony, please contact

    Mrs Long who will be happy to help or fill out our online registration form.

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