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Rudiments Demonstrate Entrepreneurial Flair in Enterprise Initiative

Our Rudiments boys embraced their entrepreneurial spirit in an exciting Enterprise Initiative, raising an impressive £800 for Cancer Research UK. This initiative, designed to provide a dynamic learning experience following their 11+ exams, encouraged the boys to develop and launch their own businesses, gaining hands-on experience in entrepreneurship.

TLoyola Prep boy he project began with a thrilling ‘Dragons’ Den’-style pitching session, where the pupils presented their innovative business ideas to a panel of ‘Dragons' to our Year 6 teaching staff. Showcasing their creativity, strategic thinking, and persuasive skills, the boys received constructive feedback to refine their ventures.

With their business concepts approved and investment secured, the teams took on various roles—from marketing executives to finance managers—designing their brands, products, and services. Their enthusiasm and dedication were evident as they brought their ideas to life, offering a range of goods and services to the school community.

Beyond developing essential business skills such as planning, teamwork, and financial management, the initiative also emphasised the value of social responsibility. Every penny raised was donated to Cancer Research UK, reinforcing the importance of giving back to the wider community.

Follow this link for more photos from this wonderful event.

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