The School and Eco council meet regularly with staff to discuss current issues. Key points are displayed on our “You asked… we listened…” display board and minutes are taken and shared through the display boards in our school. These display boards are regularly updated to give all pupils up-to-date information regarding events, decisions made and changes.
Our pupils are playing an active role in their education and schooling and as a result our school has become more attentive and responsive to those it serves. The process of voting and decision making celebrates Children’s rights and reminds us as that we must ensure children know their rights, including the right to have their own opinion which can differ from others.
Our use of a school groups (play leaders, buddies, prefects) and councils promote ‘Active citizenship’ and throughout the year our pupils organise events to support the local and wider community.
Our pupil groups drive school improvement, which recognises that consultation with pupils can lead to better school performance, whether in terms of improved behaviour, engagement or attainment among pupils. All schools are different and unique and we utilises pupil voice to ensure that we are meeting the specific needs of our Loyola pupils.