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    The Importance of PSHE at Loyola Prep

    The PSHE Association defines Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education as: a school curriculum subject that helps children and young people stay healthy, safe, and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain. At Loyola Prep, we follow the Jigsaw Scheme, which provides a structured approach to these essential topics. Alongside Jigsaw, we also celebrate special days that enhance our learning and actively participate in local events, giving back to our community.

    Here are some key reasons why PSHE at Loyola Prep is so important:

    • Loyola Prep boy with wellbeing coachEmotional and Mental Wellbeing: PSHE helps the boys to understand and manage their emotions, which is key for mental health. It teaches them how to cope with stress, resolve conflicts, and develop resilience. Working with Mrs Laura Gallagher, we equip our boys with skills to deal with all their emotions and manage their mental health in a positive way.
    • Social Skills and Relationships: It encourages positive relationships and helps the boys build strong interpersonal skills. This includes learning about empathy, respect, and how to communicate effectively with others.
    • Physical Health: PSHE includes lessons on healthy living, proper hygiene, diet, exercise, and understanding the importance of taking care of one’s body. This sets the foundation for a healthy lifestyle as they grow. This is planned for and taught alongside our PE coach Ollie Morah.
    • Understanding of Rights and Responsibilities: It educates the boys about their rights and responsibilities both at school and in society. This helps foster a sense of belonging and respect for others.
    • Preparedness for the Future: PSHE prepares our boys for real-world challenges by teaching them about decision-making, managing money, understanding different cultures and values, and being aware of the dangers in society, such as bullying or unhealthy behaviours. Our Year 6 boys work on days with companies such as critical crew and in house Enterprise week to showcase the skills they have learnt.Loyola Prep School Council
    • Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: By discussing topics such as self-worth, setting goals, and dealing with challenges, PSHE helps the boys develop confidence and a positive sense of self.
    • Promoting Inclusivity: It encourages tolerance and acceptance of diversity, teaching the boys to appreciate differences in others, whether related to race, religion, culture, or abilities.
    • Instilling Values: PSHE encourages the boys to think critically about their values, ethics, and the importance of making responsible choices. Our School Council takes boys from Year 1 to Year 6 to represent the pupil voice of our school. They take part in regular meetings and have had a huge impact on the school.

    By addressing these areas, PSHE supports the development of well-rounded, empathetic, and socially responsible individuals.

    Written by Victoria Foster – PSHE, RSE and Wellbeing lead and Pre-Prep 1 Class Teacher


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